by | Oct 20, 2017 | News
Engagement work to support the North and North East Lincolnshire CCGs in informing and involving patients, the public and stakeholders in regard to the procurement and recommissioning of the ophthalmology services is to begin shortly. The service is currently a...
by | Sep 22, 2017 | News
Nottinghamshire County Council has once again appointed Enventure Research to undertake its Annual Satisfaction Survey. The survey gathers information on local perceptions of value for money, communication, quality of life and health and wellbeing regarding the...
by | Sep 11, 2017 | News
Enventure Research has recently been appointed by the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) to design, conduct and report on a programme of engagement with Greater Manchester residents in regard to their perceptions, opinions and experiences about data and...
by | Aug 28, 2017 | News
Enventure Research will soon begin work on a new project exploring residents’ and businesses’ views about how the Midlands economy should be shaped for the future. The research is being conducted on behalf of the Midlands Engine, a partnership of Midlands local...
by | Jul 3, 2017 | News
Enventure Research has been commissioned by North Lincolnshire CCG to design and host an online survey exploring the views and experiences of local people with regard to extended access to GP services. The CCG needs to ensure that additional investment in GP...
by | Jun 26, 2017 | News
Enventure Research is pleased to be working with Greater Manchester Waste Disposal Authority (GWMDA) to undertake qualitative research to gauge residents’ knowledge, understanding and interpretation of different waste and recycling terminology. GMWDA is...