Who we are

Enventure Research is an independent market research agency based in West Yorkshire. Our office address is Enventure Research, Thornhill Brigg Mill, Thornhill Beck Lane, Brighouse HD6 4AH. Our company registration number is 4693096.

We are a Market Research Society (MRS) Company Partner and abide by the MRS Code of Conduct. We adhere to the principles of the Data Protection Act and the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation. Enventure Research is registered with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO).

Our sole activity is conducting research, consultation and engagement projects in response to the needs of our diverse range of clients who include local authorities, NHS organisations, housing associations, the emergency services, membership organisations, regulatory bodies, and charities.

Participation in the research, consultation and engagement activities we conduct is always entirely voluntary.


How we collect information

We may collect or access personal data about you if you participate in one of our surveys or public consultations, attend one of our focus groups or public meetings, take part in an interview with us, or if one of clients provides it to us so we can evaluate their services. Sometimes we use video and audio recordings in our activities. Prior consent will be obtained from you prior to any such recording.

We may also ask for your personal data if you contact us about any of our research, consultation or engagement projects.


How we use your personal data

We only collect data we need to administer and to support research projects commissioned by our clients in line with the Market Research Society’s Code of Conduct. This includes using personal data for analysis purposes.

We may ask for personal information about you such as your gender, age, ethnicity, postcode, postal address, email address or other characteristics about you. Usually, you don’t have to answer any question we ask if you don’t want to. However, for some research projects we might need an answer to some questions to be able to include your views in the research or consultation. If this is the case, we will fully inform you at the beginning of a survey, focus group or interview so you can decide if you want to answer and take part or not.

Data is aggregated for reporting purposes, and we never provide personally identifiable data to our clients or any other third party, unless you expressly give your prior permission to do so.

You will never receive any sales or any marketing communication as a result of participating in our research projects. We will never use the information you provide for any purpose other than research, consultation or engagement activities. You will never be adversely affected by taking part in our research.

If we ask you to give us your name and contact details in any of our activities, we will fully explain why we need them, what they will be used for, and for how long we will store them. We will seek your permission to use them for that purpose and you will be able to decline providing them if you do not wish to do so. We’ll always ensure they your details are only used for the purposes outlined to you.


Information supplied by our clients

If a client provides us with personal data about data subjects so we can undertake a project on their behalf, we act as a Data Processor and the client retains all rights as the Data Controller. We will process your personal data following instructions from the client in a written Data Controller to Data Processor Agreement. This will detail the purpose(s) for using your data and will specify for how long we will hold your data. This will typically be so that we can conduct research, consultation or engagement activities, but it may also include updates so our client can update their records, with your expressed consent.


What we use your personal information for

We may use your name and contact information (email address, postal address, telephone number and/or mobile telephone number) for the following:

  • To record your consent to take part in the research, consultation or engagement activity
  • To undertake quality checks on the professionalism of our interviewers and staff and to verify the accuracy of data collection
  • To invite you to take part in further research, consultation or engagement activity
  • To supply follow-up correspondence or administration, such as to provide you with consultation and survey findings and results, if requested
  • To administer prize draws or incentives, if they are offered to thank you for your time in participating in research, consultation or engagement activity
  • With your prior permission, pass on your contact details to a client where you agree or request a client contacts you to resolve issues or answer comments and queries.

Sometimes we may use photographic (or other images) for news reports or case studies for our clients and our website. We will only use an image of a person aged 16 or over with their prior expressed consent.

We may use audio or video recording during our research for analytical purposes. Where this is the case, prior consent to being recorded will be sought. Comments used in reports and/or case studies and other materials will be anonymised unless expressed permission is given.

We will not share your information with any other organisation for any commercial purpose.


Legal basis for processing your information

We will process your data to comply with any legal obligations.

Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), there are 6 lawful bases that can be used to legally collect personal data. For our projects we will generally rely on consent, legitimate interest or public task/public interest as the lawful basis for collecting your data. Where we rely on and process your personal information for legitimate interests, the potential impact on you will be considered. The lawful basis will be made clear to individuals on a project-by-project basis in an accompanying privacy notice.


Who we might share your information with

If a client has legally provided your personal information to us for research, consultation or engagement purposes, we will act as a Data Processor. The client will be the Data Controller. We may provide your personal information back to the client so they can keep their contact databases up-to-date or to follow up with you about your survey responses, but only if you give us your prior expressed permission.

We may also share your personal data with third party suppliers, such as a printing and mailing distribution company to send out postal questionnaires, or a fieldwork agency so they can undertake interviews for a telephone survey on our behalf. In these circumstances the third party would act as a data processor to us, and an agreement would be in place to confirm that they are dealing with personal data legally and in line with the Market Research Society Code of Conduct.

We may also disclose your information where we have a legal duty to do so.

All our suppliers are located in the UK. We will never transfer personal data outside of the EU.


Keeping your information safe

Your information will be stored securely on our secure and encrypted cloud based system. We keep information secure by taking appropriate measures against its unauthorised processing and against its accidental loss, destruction or damage. This includes encryption, password protection and limiting access to personal data to key staff only. We have Cyber Essentials accreditation, which is reassessed on an annual basis, and we regularly review our processes, hardware, software and policies to ensure we process personal data securely.

Any personal data we collect about you during a research project is disposed of within six months from the end of the research project, unless a different timescale is required by the client.

We will not store or transfer any information we collect from you outside the EU.



Cookies are small text files stored on the user’s internet connected device, such as a computer, mobile phone, tablet, web-enabled TV, etc. Our website uses cookies for security purposes and to help us understand how our website is being used, which pages are being visited, etc. This information is anonymous and does not identify who our site users are.


Your rights

All of your information will be maintained by Enventure Research Limited in accordance with the Data Protection Act and GDPR.

For some projects, Enventure Research will be the Data Controller (or joint Data Controller). In other cases, we will be a Data Processor and our client will be the Data Controller. For each project, we will make clear who the Data Controller is, so you know who to contact in order to exercise your rights.

You have the following privacy rights:

  • The right to withdraw consent: you have a right to withdraw consent at any time in our activities and we will delete your personal data
  • The right to be informed: you have the right to be informed about how we collect and use your personal data
  • The right of access: you have the right to get copies of personal data we hold about you (through a ‘subject access request’)
  • The right to rectification: you have the right to have any personal data we hold about you corrected if it is not accurate
  • The right to erasure: when the lawful basis for processing your data is consent and you withdraw your consent, you have the right to have your personal data deleted. When the lawful basis for processing is the legitimate interest of Enventure Research or our client, you have the right to object to the use of your data. We must consider your objection and if your interests outweigh our legitimate interest, we must delete your data
  • The right to restrict processing – if you are concerned about how your data is being used, you have a right to limit the way it is used
  • The right to data portability – you have the right to obtain and reuse your personal data for your own purposes across different services
  • The right to object to processing – you have the right to object to the use and storage of your personal data
  • Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling.

If you have any queries about the information we hold on you, you think any of the information is incorrect or out of date or if you wish to be removed from our databases, please contact us on 0800 0092 117 or email us on helpline@enventure.co.uk. If you have a complaint or an issue to raise, please contact us using these same contact details.


Alternatively, you can write to us at:

Enventure Research
Thornhill Brigg Mill
Thornhill Beck Lane

For further information about Market Research and to confirm that we are a bona fide market research company you can contact the Market Research Society on their Freephone number 0500 39 69 99 or visit mrs.org.uk/company-partner/Accredited-Companies.

You also have a right to make a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) if you are unhappy with the way Enventure Research uses or stores your personal data. The ICO can be contacted at ico.org.uk or by calling 0303 123 1113.