We provide high quality bespoke research, consultation and engagement solutions across a range of sectors.
A small and dedicated company, Enventure Research is based in West Yorkshire and delivers projects throughout the UK with a personal and passionate approach.
Using qualitative and quantitative research methodologies, we use our expertise to help our clients achieve their aims and answer their research and consultation objectives.
We have extensive experience of conducting research with a wide variety of audiences, from the general public and hard to reach groups to professionals.
Who we work with
Local and Regional Government
Health & Social Care
Membership Organisations
Charity & Not-For-Profit
Emergency Services
Our Services
We deliver research, consultation, and engagement using a range of quantitative and qualitative approaches.

Online Surveys

Telephone Surveys

Face to Face Surveys

Focus Groups

In-depth Interviews

Postal Surveys


Online Research Communities


Question Design

Insightful Analysis

Creative Reporting
What's happening at Enventure Research?
Urgent Care Services survey during the pandemic
NHS Wakefield Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) plans and buys healthcare for local people. As such, Wakefield CCG wished to hear about patients’ experiences of using the urgent care services throughout the district of Wakefield. Enventure Research was...
Wakefield’s future priorities and budget consultation
Wakefield Council has set a very clear direction when setting the council budget - it wants to ensure that residents are at the heart of everything the Council does and, therefore, it needs to understand the voice of its residents. Wakefield Council appointed...
Manchester’s ‘Our Town Hall’ visitor experience insight research
Manchester Town Hall Complex is one of Manchester's greatest cultural and civic assets, which makes a significant contribution not only to the heritage but also to the identity of the City. There has been significant investment in the Central Library and the Town Hall...
Cornwall Council Resident Survey 2021
Enventure Research is once more conducting Cornwall Council’s Resident Survey this year.
Barnet Council’s Property Licensing Schemes Consultation
Barnet Council commissioned Enventure Research to undertake analysis of the consultation results from the online survey and deliver discussion groups.