What’s happening at Enventure Research?

Urgent Care Services survey during the pandemic

NHS Wakefield Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) plans and buys healthcare for local people. As such, Wakefield CCG wished to hear about patients’ experiences of using the urgent care services throughout the district of Wakefield.   Enventure Research was...

Wakefield’s future priorities and budget consultation

Wakefield Council has set a very clear direction when setting the council budget - it wants to ensure that residents are at the heart of everything the Council does and, therefore, it needs to understand the voice of its residents.   Wakefield Council appointed...

Using GP practices during the pandemic consultation

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way GP practices work, using different ways to support patients to keep them safe at home. This includes using digital methods such as video and phone calls instead of face to face appointments, offering a telephone triage service...

Peabody Universal Credit Update Survey

Following the Peabody Universal Credit Survey conducted by Enventure Research in July 2019, Peabody has commissioned Enventure Research to carry out a telephone survey of its residents who have started claiming Universal Credit since the start of the COVID-19...

Impact of COVID-19 on Wakefield businesses

Wakefield Council has commissioned Enventure Research to undertake research with businesses across the Wakefield district to find out what impact COVID-19 has had on businesses and what support is required from Wakefield Council and its partners.   The research...

Cyber Essentials Certification awarded for another year

We are proud to announce that Enventure Research has recently been assessed and continues to be complaint for Cyber Essentials Certification. The Government scheme, delivered by the National Cyber Security Centre (part of GCHQ), helps organisations to protect the...

Cornwall Council consults residents about COVID-19

Cornwall Council is consulting with residents to find out about the impact that COVID-19 has had. The authority has commissioned Enventure Research to undertake this detailed study, with questions covering a range of topics from health and wellbeing to the financial...

Measuring the impact of COVID-19 on Manchester’s residents

Enventure Research is delivering a survey with a representative sample of Manchester residents to assess the impact of COVID-19 and explore what residents think Manchester City Council should prioritise in the recovery phase. This important piece of research will...

Online focus groups with chemistry students

Following our research work for the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) delivering its student membership survey, Enventure Research has been commissioned by the RSC once again to deliver qualitative research with chemistry students. The research aims to explore students...