by | Nov 12, 2015 | News
The Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) has recently commissioned Enventure Research again to conduct an online questionnaire for students studying courses related to town planning. This survey aims to find out about students’ views on career and course...
by | Nov 2, 2015 | News
Enventure will be working with Leicester City Council to gain valuable insight from Leicester residents about the NHS Health Check programme in order to design new communications material. This work will be delivered in phases over a four month period, focusing...
by | Oct 26, 2015 | News
Enventure Research will be providing support to the London Borough of Barnet Council during their ten week public consultation on the proposed new library model. Two questionnaires, available in an online and paper format, will be developed by Enventure...
by | Oct 20, 2015 | News
Enventure Research is pleased to be working with New Economy Manchester, Greater Manchester Police and Manchester City Council to deliver a night time visitor survey in various points throughout Manchester city centre. Enventure Research’s team of experienced...
by | Oct 14, 2015 | News
Enventure Research was recently commissioned by Bolton MBC to deliver a programme of electoral canvassing over a period of 3 weeks. In 2014 a new system of electoral registration came in whereby those wishing to register had to provide their date of birth and...