Insight research exploring attitudes towards physical activity and sport in Wiltshire

Apr 3, 2017

Enventure Research is soon to begin working on a research project aimed at understanding attitudes, behaviours and motivations relating to physical activity and sport on behalf of Wiltshire Council.


The Council recently conducted a scoping exercise to identified communities within the local authority area which may have issues affecting inactivity, leading to low levels of physical activity and participation in sport. Analysis of a number of data sources has identified five localities at risk of inactivity: Chippenham, Salisbury, Trowbridge, Melksham and Calne.


Wilshire Council now wishes to conduct insight research in order to better understand the attitudes, behaviours and motivations of people living in these five communities to inform and support current and planned interventions to increase levels of physical activity and sport, and support future funding applications.


The research will establish a number of key issues, including who the target audiences are within these communities, what their attitudes and behaviours are in relation to sport and physical activity, perceived barriers to participation in sport and physical activity and what support is required to engage people in activity, ultimately providing recommendations on how to best meet the needs of residents and improve participation levels.


A mixed methodology approach will be taken, including a programme of desk research, a quantitative survey of residents and qualitative research with residents and partners, and other providers within the communities.