Mixed methodology research providing insight into commissioning decisions within the charity and not for profit sector

Service commissioners invited to participate
Completed responses received
Follow up in-depth interviews with commissioners

CGL (Change, Grow, Live), a leading drug and alcohol charity, was looking to expand its work into new markets, including mental health, children and families, and public and wellbeing services. In order to achieve this aim, it needed to increase its knowledge of commissioners not currently engaging its services.
Enventure Research was commissioned to design and undertake a programme of quantitative and qualitative research to survey commissioners who did not currently use CGL services, in order to identify their perceptions of CGL in relation to its competitors.

A questionnaire was designed by CGL and Enventure Research to meet the research objectives and securely hosted online. The survey was piloted prior to launch to test the questionnaire, and amendments made following feedback. Email invitations were sent to 662 commissioners using a database provided by CGL. Reminder emails were sent to non-responders, and a charity donation was made for each completed survey to encourage completion.
In-depth interviews were held following the online survey with a range of commissioners from organisations throughout the country. Participants were recruited via the online survey. Interviews were conducted via telephone and lasted approximate 25 minutes. Experienced moderators from Enventure Research followed an interview guide which had been specifically designed to gain insight into commissioning priorities. An additional charity donation was made for each completed interview.

In total, 55 responses to the online survey were received, and nine commissioners agreed to take part in follow up in-depth interviews, a positive response rate from a very time-poor group. Following fieldwork, Enventure Research undertook detailed analysis of the data, producing a detailed research report including anonymised verbatim quotes to bring the findings to life. A presentation of the findings was also made to CGL.
The research findings provided CGL with valuable insight into non-commissioners’ perceptions of its services, what they feel is important when making commissioning decisions, and recommendations about what CGL could do to increase its likelihood of being commissioned to provide services in future.
“This research was slightly different to what we would normally do. It provided CGL with some really useful insight that it could use for future commissioning opportunities to make sure that services were as focussed for the end user as much as possible. It was also great to be able to make a donation to Children In Need because of all the completed surveys.”