Evaluating the success of targeted communication and engagement activities aimed at increasing flu vaccination uptake in Manchester

Health Development Coordinators interviewed

Engagement campaigns evaluated

Dedicated report collating all findings


Each year, the NHS delivers a seasonal flu immunisation programme, aiming to reduce illness in the community and pressure on health services. Historically, there has been low vaccination uptake in Manchester, particularly for many vulnerable groups. The 2020-21 flu programme was the start of a three-year plan to make a significant improvement to vaccination rates for Manchester’s population.

To encourage vaccination take-up in key target groups, each of the 12 neighbourhood areas was allocated a budget to fund targeted communications and engagement activity, aiming to drive awareness of the availability of the flu jab, help people understand the benefits of vaccination, dispel any myths, and reassure those who have concerns or reservations.

To measure the success of the individual campaigns, Enventure Research was appointed by Manchester Health and Care Commissioning (now NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership) to undertake an evaluation of each campaign.


The evaluation began at the end of July 2021, when Enventure Research made initial contact with each of the 12 Health Development Coordinators via email, requesting information on what communication and campaign work was undertaken in individual neighbourhood areas. This was followed with a telephone or online interview with each Coordinator administered by an experienced researcher from Enventure Research.

Key areas discussed with the Health Development Coordinators included the focus of the campaign in their area, including target groups, how the campaign was delivered, challenges experienced during the campaign, and what approach would be taken for future campaigns. Vaccination uptake rates for the 2020-21 campaigns were also recorded and comparisons made with the previous years’ rates.


All feedback from the interviews with Health Development Coordinators was collated into one comprehensive report, which assessed the overall impact of each engagement campaign. Common themes arising from the discussions provided insight into ways in which the campaigns could be improved in subsequent years, and the report included a number of useful recommendations.

The findings provided Manchester Health and Care Commissioning with useful feedback on the success of each campaign and will help it tailor future campaigns more effectively to encouraged further vaccination take-up.