Annual survey conducted over five years to understand and track residents’ attitudes and perceptions of living in Thamesmead over time

Enventure Research first appointed to deliver the survey
Thamesmead residents interviewed to date
Minute survey administered by IQCS trained interviewers

Being the main landowner in Thamesmead and the driving force behind regeneration in the area, Peabody (and its partners) wished to undertake an annual survey to understand resident attitudes and perceptions of Thamesmead as a place to live to allow for comparisons and tracking of attitudes over time. Enventure Research was commissioned to deliver this research between 2019 and 2023.

The survey is administered via on-street interview by IQCS trained interviewers to a representative sample of 1,000 Thamesmead residents. Telephone interviewing was conducted in 2020 with a smaller sample size due to the Covid-19 pandemic and associated restrictions.
The initial questionnaire was designed by Peabody and its partners in conjunction with Enventure Research and is tailored each year to focus on specific topics of interest, whilst also ensuring that key questions are repeated to allow for comparisons. The latest survey focused on reflecting on the regeneration in the area, crime, and experiences of residents aged 16-24.

Survey results are presented in a comprehensive research report, including subgroup analysis and direct comparisons with previous years’ findings. Peabody is also provided with the raw data and data tabulations. The findings provide Peabody and its partners with an up to date understanding of attitudes towards Thamesmead, and insight into how its housing and services impact on current and future residents.
“As Peabody continues to develop the area of Thamesmead alongside its partners, this annual community survey allows Peabody to understand what residents think about the development that has already taken place, as well as helping to shape the plans of future development based on residents’ needs. Working alongside Peabody and its partners to deliver this five-year project has been interesting, as each year there is a different focus for the survey which provides Peabody with useful insight.”