Understanding stakeholder perceptions of the GOC

Jul 15, 2022

In order to understand the views and perceptions of stakeholders about its performance, the GOC commissioned Enventure Research to undertake a programme of research with stakeholders within the optical sector.

A series of in-depth interviews was conducted via video calls with representatives from professional bodies, patient and public groups, large employers, training and education providers, government and commissioners. Interviews explored stakeholders’ views on their perceptions of the GOC and its functions, communications and engagement, its pandemic response, challenges within the optical sector, and future priorities for the GOC. An additional survey was hosted online with GOC business registrants covering the same topics.

The quantitative and qualitative findings were collated into one PowerPoint report. Following this, the GOC selected key findings from the research which were produced as an infographics report. Overall feedback from the research was positive, showing that stakeholders have a good relationship with the GOC. The detailed report has been published on the GOC’s website.   

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