Thank you for completing the survey
Please find below details of organisations should you need further support.
National Support for victims:
National DV Helpline (24 hour)
0808 2000247
National Men’s Advice Line (for male victims)
0808 8010327
The Survivors Trust
0808 801 0818
Rape Crisis Helpline
0808 802 9999
Respect Perpetrators
0808 802 4040
Respect Men’s Advice
0808 801 0327
Galop LGBT Domestic Abuse Helpline
0800 9995428
Local Support for victims:
BCHA DA Helpline 24/7
01202 710777
You First (Dorset County Refuge and Outreach)
0800 032 5204
Provide support to victims of domestic violence/abuse.
STARS Dorset
Support for victims of rape and sexual violence
01202 308855
The Shores Sexual Assault Referral Centre 24/7
0800 970 9954
Providing services across Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole to men, women and children who have been raped or sexually assaulted.
Dorset Police:
Police Domestic Abuse Unit via
01202 223202
In an emergency, always dial 999
Legal Advice:
For advice on obtaining an injunction contact a local family law solicitor specialising in domestic abuse or the National Centre for Domestic Violence
0844 8044999
Other Useful Numbers:
Respect National helpline (for perpetrators)
0845 1228609
Broken Rainbow for LGBTQ+ victims of domestic abuse
0800 9995428
Karma Nirvana (Forced Marriage and Honour Based Violence)
0800 5999 247