Successful Completion of Cambridgeshire Budget Planning Survey

Oct 14, 2014

Fieldwork being conducted on behalf of Cambridgeshire County Council (CCC) as part of its 2014 Business Plan Consultation has been completed successfully. The survey has provided valuable insight into residents’ views about priority areas for budget spending and perceptions of the Council which will help shape the authority’s priorities, budgets for the coming year and business planning.


The research was conducted via a doorstep survey with residents aged 18 and over across Cambridgeshire. A quota sample of 1,179 respondents were interviewed between 8 August and 11 September 2014.  Quotas were set on age, ethnicity, gender and working status. To identify differences between residents of Cambridge, East Cambridgeshire, Fenland, Huntingdonshire and South Cambridgeshire, between 153 and 352 respondents were interviewed in each area representative of the Census 2011 data. The fieldwork was conducted to time and all quotas were successfully met.


Enventure Research provided comprehensive reporting on the survey results, including a headline findings report and a more detailed final findings report. Cambridgeshire County Council has been very pleased with the way Enventure has managed the fieldwork and delivered the findings to the appropriate timescale throughout the duration of the project.  Enventure has been invited to present the findings to Councillors and Council staff during November of this year.


Enventure Research and CCC would like to express their gratitude to everyone who took part in the doorstep survey.  Enventure Research would also like to thank Louise Meats and the CCC Research Group for their help and support throughout the survey process.

