Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council (MBC) has appointed Enventure Research to undertake direct engagement with a representative sample of Solihull residents to help with planning future waste and recycling services.
Enventure Research’s experienced team of Recycling Promoters will visit approximately 10,000 properties in areas selected by the Council, aiming to directly engage with a minimum of 3,000 residents.
The engagement team will interview residents on the doorstep to gather information about recycling habits and their views on waste and recycling services which will in turn help with planning future services.
The fieldwork will take place over a three-week period, with visits taking place on different days and at different times of the day to target as wide a range of residents as possible. The research is due to commence in July 2016. Once all interviews have been completed, Enventure Research will undertake detailed analysis of all survey data and provide the Council with a detailed report on the findings.
Enventure Research have undertaken numerous recycling engagement research projects on behalf of councils across the UK and are looking forward to working with Solihull MBC on this project.