NHS Midlands and East has five stated ambitions, one of which is “Eliminating avoidable grade 2, 3 and 4 pressure ulcers by December 2012”. To achieve this ambition, NHS Midlands and East wishes to launch a social marketing campaign aimed at frontline staff to encourage a shift in awareness of, and
action to preventing avoidable pressure ulcers. To do this, initial scoping research is needed so that the campaign and any interventions are targeted and achieve the desired outcomes.
We are proud to announce that NHS Midlands and East had appointed Enventure Research to undertake this important piece of research. The research, which will start immediately so the campaign can be launched at the end of March, will be a mix of qualitative and quantitative research. Frontline staff will be asked to complete a questionnaire, which will be available online and in paper format. Staff will then be recruited to participate in focus groups which will be held across West Midlands, East Midlands and East of England.
Visit NHS Midlands and East’s website on Eliminating avoidable grade 2, 3 and 4 pressure ulcers.