What’s happening at Enventure Research?
Cornwall Resident Survey 2020
Following the successful delivery of several waves of the Cornwall Resident Survey since 2018, Enventure Research has been commissioned by Cornwall Council to conduct its 2020 Resident Survey. Fieldwork has begun and is due to be completed over the Christmas period.
General Optical Council COVID-19 Statements Consultation Analysis and Reporting
In response to the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, the General Optical Council published a set of statements aimed at removing unnecessary regulatory barriers, clarifying certain areas of practice and providing additional guidance to optical professionals. Enventure Research was subsequently appointed to analyse and report on the findings from a consultation exploring the content and impact of the statements.
Essex County Council Care Worker Survey 2020
Essex County Council commissioned Enventure Research to undertake a survey of the care worker workforce in Essex to gain an understanding of issues relating to retention and recruitment within the sector and help develop strategies to address them, to ensure high quality social care services are provided to Essex residents.
ISO 9001:2015 QMS achieved with flying colours
We are pleased to announce that Enventure Research has once again passed the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Audit with flying colours. Working with the standard in all our processes ensures that all projects are delivered to an extremely robust high standard...
Follow up survey with Clarion residents
Enventure Research is once again working with Clarion Housing Group to deliver a telephone survey of its residents.
Nominet member survey 2020
Enventure Research has been commissioned for the second year in a row to deliver the Nominet membership survey.
Urgent Care Services survey during the pandemic
NHS Wakefield Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) plans and buys healthcare for local people. As such, Wakefield CCG wished to hear about patients’ experiences of using the urgent care services throughout the district of Wakefield. Enventure Research was...
Wakefield’s future priorities and budget consultation
Wakefield Council has set a very clear direction when setting the council budget - it wants to ensure that residents are at the heart of everything the Council does and, therefore, it needs to understand the voice of its residents. Wakefield Council appointed...
Manchester’s ‘Our Town Hall’ visitor experience insight research
Manchester Town Hall Complex is one of Manchester's greatest cultural and civic assets, which makes a significant contribution not only to the heritage but also to the identity of the City. There has been significant investment in the Central Library and the Town Hall...
Using GP practices during the pandemic consultation
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way GP practices work, using different ways to support patients to keep them safe at home. This includes using digital methods such as video and phone calls instead of face to face appointments, offering a telephone triage service...
Peabody Universal Credit Update Survey
Following the Peabody Universal Credit Survey conducted by Enventure Research in July 2019, Peabody has commissioned Enventure Research to carry out a telephone survey of its residents who have started claiming Universal Credit since the start of the COVID-19...
Impact of COVID-19 on Wakefield businesses
Wakefield Council has commissioned Enventure Research to undertake research with businesses across the Wakefield district to find out what impact COVID-19 has had on businesses and what support is required from Wakefield Council and its partners. The research...