Hackney Council Estates Inventories Survey

Nov 10, 2014

As part of a package of projects to increase recycling and reduce residual waste from all properties within Hackney, Enventure Research has been commissioned by the London Borough of Hackney Council to undertake thorough inventories of estates with Hackney Homes housing stock.  The aim of the estate inventories is to ensure that the waste and recycling collection infrastructure is appropriate and meets the needs of the individuals in each housing estate, which will in turn result in higher levels of recycling and a reduction in residual waste and contamination.

In partnership with Hackney Council, Enventure Research will develop a suitable inventory assessment form to record access, bin locations, block details, waste chutes, litter and recycling bins and communications and publicity materials.  The estates survey team will complete assessments on site at 283 Hackney Homes estates, which constitutes approximately 20,000 properties in 1,355 blocks.  Information recorded on site will then be electronically entered and sent to the Enventure Research office for processing and quality checking.

The estates inventories will commence in November 2014.  Key findings will be provided to Hackney Council upon completion, along with completed inventories and annotates maps for each estate site.