General Dental Council appoints Enventure for its Standards Review

Oct 29, 2012

The General Dental Council has recently appointed Enventure Research to undertake its Standards Review.

As part of its commitment to using research to inform policy and practice, the General Dental Council (GDC) is currently undertaking a three month consultation on the draft Standards of Conduct, Performance and Ethics.  An important aspect of this consultation is hearing from patients and members of the public who are traditionally under-represented in consultation exercises.

Enventure Research will be holding a number of focus groups throughout the England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales to gather feedback from patients and the public to confirm that the standards and principles are appropriate, or where changes are needed to make them fit for purpose.

Commenting on the recent appointment, Mark Robinson, Managing Director, said “We are extremely pleased and excited that the GDC has awarded us the work.  We are already working with the Council on the Annual Registrants Survey and are really looking forward to continuing to work with the GDC on this important piece of consultation”.

