Enventure Research delivers second consecutive Budget and Priorities Consultation for Wakefield Council

Jan 11, 2022

Following the successful delivery of Wakefield Council’s Budget and Priorities Consultation in 2020, the Council appointed Enventure Research to deliver this in 2021 to gather up-to-date resident opinions and compare results over time.

To gather residents’ views on the future priorities of Wakefield Council and to consult on budget proposals, a representative telephone survey was administered in addition to an online version of the survey being made available for those on the Council’s Citizens Panel. Four focus groups were also held online with a mixture of residents as well as businesses in the district.

Findings from the surveys and focus groups were collated in a comprehensive report which included subgroup analysis and comparisons with the 2020 consultation where relevant. The report identified the key priorities for residents and businesses in Wakefield, such as the desire for more regeneration, tackling anti-social behaviour, developing more facilities for young people and improving job opportunities.

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