Enventure Research has recently been appointed
by Catch22, a large social enterprise charity working in England and Wales, to
undertake customer feedback research with their primary audience of local authority commissioners. Catch22 helps people to turn their lives around by working with young people and families who are in tough situations, delivering a wide range of services, including National Citizen Service, leaving care, drug/alcohol and missing services, highlevel family support and domestic abuse support.
All of the services provided by Catch 22 have been commissioned by local authority commissioners across the country. Catch22 wishes to to gain insight into commissioners’ perceptions and experiences of the quality of Catch22 services,
therefore allowing planning for further improvements in the services offered by
the charity.
Enventure will offer a mixed method approach in order to explore feedback from a selection of commissioner customers,utilising an online survey, quantitative telephone interviews and in-depth telephone interviews. Enventure will undertake comprehensive quantitative and qualitative analysis of the results, providing a full research report detailing the findings, conclusions and recommendations.