Nottinghamshire County Council has re-commissioned Enventure Research to conduct its 2014 Annual Satisfaction Survey. The survey takes place yearly and has been conducted by Enventure Research since 2012. The research aims to capture local people’s views, experiences and perceptions of value for money, quality of life, communication and health and wellbeing, helping the Council to understand the priorities of local residents and informing decisions about Council plans and services.
Since 2012, over 2,000 face-to-face interviews have been conducted with Council residents, with quotas set to ensure that the sample was broadly representative of the County’s population in terms of age, gender, ethnicity and working status. Enventure Research has provided detailed analysis of the research findings from both years, including sub-group analysis of statistically significant differences.
The survey results allow benchmarking with previous Satisfaction Surveys and with other councils across the country and have been made available online on the Council website.
The fieldwork for the next phase of the research is due to commence in October 2014.