Merton London Borough Council has recently commissioned Enventure Research to undertake a door-to-door recycling communication campaign.
The Council offers a comingled recycling scheme and food waste collection service to all households and currently recycles 39% of its household waste. The authority has a target to recycle 42.5% by 2016. To increase participation in the recycling scheme and generally increase recycling, the Council is launching the new Mega Recycle Incentive Scheme. This web-based interactive scheme will offer residents the opportunity for substantial and frequent personal and community rewards for recycling. By signing up online and pledging to recycle as much of their waste as possible, residents will be entered into a prize draw with the potential to win cash prizes.
Enventure’s experienced recycling promoters staff will speak to residents on their doorstep, raising awareness about recycling and the Mega Recycle Incentive Scheme, aiming to encourage participation and increase the range and amount of waste recycled. They will encourage residents to sign up to the incentive scheme and offer residents the opportunity to order new or replacements recycling containers. Recycling promoters will make visits to approximately 83,000 households, aiming to make contact with around 29,000 households.