Deliberative Workshops on Behalf of Tower Hamlets Council and CCG

Nov 3, 2014

Enventure Research has recently been appointed to deliver two extended deliberative workshops on behalf of the London Borough of Tower Hamlets Council, as part of the development of its new 2015-19 Community Plan.  The Plan was last refreshed in 2011, and since this time there have been significant legislative, financial and organisational changes within local government, health and other partners.  This year also marks the start of a new Mayoral term, with a re-elected Mayor with a borough-wide mandate.

The emphasis of both workshops will be on developing an informed debate with members of the public about the savings agenda, exploring possible approaches and challenges to implementing the expected budget reductions and identifying what local people think is important for the borough.

In addition, to the two deliberative workshops, Enventure Research will also deliver a third workshop on behalf of the Tower Hamlets Clinical Commissioning Group focusing specifically on health priorities and health service commissioning.

Each workshop will be attended by approximately 50 residents of Tower Hamlets who are reflective of the demographics of the local population.  The workshops will commence in December 2014, with the third workshop taking place in January 2015.  Following completion of the three workshops Enventure Research will analyse and deliver tailored and comprehensive reporting on the findings.
