Craigavon Borough Council has recently appointed Enventure to undertake engagement and research borough wide in a bid to increase recycling and reduce contamination. The work, which will start at the end ofJanuary, is the first win for Enventure in Northern Ireland.
The Council, which has a recycling rate of 37%, already has in place an established fortnightly recycling collection system across the Borough, which is available to all of it 39,000 households, but participation in the scheme varies. The aim of the project is to speak to residents to ensure they understand the scheme and provide help and advice where needed. The project will also gather residents’
opinions on a number of recycling related issues to help develop services in the future.
Commenting on the win, Matthew Thurman said “We are really looking forward to working with Craigavon Council. Residents in the borough have
access to an excellent recycling scheme and we will be helping residents to make the most of it by giving advice and support through the doorstepping engagement work”.