Enventure Research’s services during the COVID-19 pandemic

Mar 19, 2020

As the number of COVID-19 cases continue to rise in the UK, we are taking appropriate steps in line with Government and Public Health England guidance. The safety of our staff and those participating in research is paramount. All Enventure Research staff are now working from home and using the various online communication tools for virtual meetings and communication.


Face-to-face interviewing and in-person qualitative research have been postponed, however, online research (quantitative and qualitative) and telephone interviews are still ongoing. Telephone interviewers are also working remotely in line with GDPR and MRS Code of Conduct and using unique ID and password combinations to log on to a secure online portal. Enventure Research also has in place Cyber Essentials.


Research projects are still being delivered where the methodology allows, and we are still providing quotes and proposals for upcoming work. Any queries for current projects should be directed to individual project managers and any queries regarding new projects or requests for quotes / proposals, should be sent to info@enventure.co.uk


All staff at Enventure Research would like to send their gratitude to all NHS staff, health and social workers, teachers and other key workers in this difficult time.