Recycling engagement with residents in Bury

Feb 29, 2016

Bury Council has commissioned Enventure Research to undertake a doorstepping engagement campaign with its residents, specifically focused on increasing participation in the food waste collection scheme.


A team of Enventure Research’s trained recycling promoters will visit 9,000 properties in target areas identified by Bury Council, aiming to speak with a resident in at least 30% of these over the duration of the project. The recycling promoters will motivate residents to recycle via direct engagement on the doorstep, using a short conversational-style questionnaire to find out information about attitudes towards and current usage of the waste and recycling services.


The recycling promoters will answer any questions residents have on the food waste scheme in particular, but also the general recycling scheme, helping them to overcome any perceived barriers to recycling and ultimately, aim to increase participation in the recycling scheme. The fieldwork is due to commence in March 2016.


In addition to daily reports about recycling container and caddy requests and weekly progress reports, Enventure Research will provide a thorough final report which includes detailed survey findings, feedback from residents and clear conclusions and recommendations for future engagement activity.