St Albans City and District Council has commissioned Enventure Research to conduct a door-to-door engagement campaign targeting areas within the district with low participation in the Council’s recycling scheme. The Council currently provides residents with a comprehensive recycling scheme which collects a wide range of materials on a fortnightly basis, including glass, paper, cardboard, plastics, cans, foil, green waste and food waste. At present, the recycling rate is approximately 50%.
A team of eight experienced locally-based recycling promoters will approach 20,000 households, aiming to speak with 7,000 residents (a 35% contact rate) and encourage an increase in participation in the recycling scheme. Recycling promoters will use computer aided personal interviewing (CAPI) devices to administer a survey exploring the recycling services and record residents’ responses.
Doorstepping activity will take place over a five-week period and is due to commence in late September 2014.