NHS Property Services manages, maintains and improves over 4,000 NHS properties and facilities, working in partnership with NHS organisations to create safe, efficient, sustainable and modern healthcare and working environments. In order to develop a baseline understanding of its tenants’ satisfaction levels, NHS Property Services has appointed Enventure Research to conduct an online quantitative survey. The survey will allow tenants to have their say about the condition and management of their properties, identifying which aspects of building provision tenants are most and least satisfied with.
The survey will be hosted securely online by Enventure Research during August and September 2014. Following survey completion, a full research report will be produced detailing the findings and conclusions arising from the research.
The research will enable NHS Property Services to drive improvement in the company’s performance and services, and ultimately understand customer satisfaction and respond to the needs of its stakeholders. The findings will be used to inform and focus operational and strategic planning, communication and engagement activities.