NatCen Health Research Communications Focus Groups

May 5, 2017

Enventure Research is soon to begin working on a qualitative research project on behalf of NatCen Social Research, seeking to gain insight into motivations and barriers to participating in research and evaluating communications materials for the Health Survey for England.


NatCen, Britain’s leading centre for independent social research, conducts major research studies for government departments, universities and charities. It conducts the Health Survey for England annually with a sample of approximately 5,000 randomly selected households to track major trends in health. Selected households receive a letter and leaflet in advance to introduce the survey, which is administered face-to-face in the home. Following the survey, participants are visited separately by a qualified nurse to take physical measurements.


Participation in this survey has fallen significantly over the last two decades and feedback from interviewers has indicated that the communications materials sent to householders could be revised to increase participation.


To test new communications designs and elicit insight into motivations and barriers to participating in health research, NatCen has commissioned Enventure Research to conduct three focus groups with members of the general public. A representative sample of participants will be recruited on-street by trained IQCS accredited recruiters. Following the groups, a detailed interpretative report will be provided to NatCen, outlining the key findings and recommendations arising from the discussions.